An OHSMS can benefit any organisation, no matter how small or large, by helping organisations create safer work environments, improving business opportunities, and it demonstrates that the organisation is striving to meet legal requirements, and enhance the organisation’s reputation.
What we do
We will review your policies and procedures against current legislation and international standards in a collaborative process that involves:
Auditing – identifying gaps in your OHS system and conducting site-based OHS audits
Hazard and risk registers – pinpointing hazards and risks associated with either a project or the organisation as a whole
Risk assessment – determining the probability that risk will eventuate from a hazard
Writing policies and procedures – using your existing policies & procedures or starting from scratch to develop effective policies
Setting up OHS committees – a legal requirement if you have more than 15 staff
Certification – enabling certification to international standards such as AS/NZS 4801 (which must be recertified every 3 years)
Across every industry, OHS standards exist to provide a safe workplace free from the risk of hazards which can be biological, mechanical, chemical or even psychological.
OH&S expenditure is tax deductible... FINES ARE NOT
What Happens During An Audit?
The auditor that we allocate to your business will review your policies, processes, procedures, records and other documents relevant to your management system as required by AS 4801:2001. We will also look at how you maintain and improve your system through planning, internal audits and reviews. This is done to verify that you have met the requirements of the standard for the scope you have claimed. The audit will commence with a meeting to confirm the details and conduct for the audit. We then begin the audit processes where we get you and your team to take us on a tour of your business processes - that is where you tell us what you do and show us corresponding records, we try to make this a friendly, positive and productive process, as we are there to collect a body of evidence that demonstrates your compliance to the standard. On completion of the audit, we will have a closing meeting with you to discuss any findings that we have from the audit, you will then be issued with a report that summarises the audit with comments, recommendations and any areas that require action.
How do you use the Certification “Logo”?
Your certification lasts for three years. During this time, surveillance audits are carried out on a three monthly basis in order to verify that your management system is continually implemented and maintained. On approval of your initial certification you will receive a plan that identifies when surveillance audits will be carried out. Typically, surveillance audits will focus only on selected elements of AS 4801:2001 and be of shorter duration than the initial audit. After three years, a recertification audit is required. This is similar to the initial certification process, and the improvements in your business processes during this period are also considered. Once certified it is important to communicate this milestone to all your customers and business stakeholders. Top End Safety Solutions Certification Marks™ and certificates can be used for marketing purposes (business cards, stationery, marketing brochures, tenders, website, etc) and are identifiable external recognition of operational excellence and compliance.